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Open up your heart. 

Earth Child now it’s the time. The cross-pollination of Anahuac and Kemet brings us the blessings of the Cacao.

 Experience healing with this lovely heart-opening medicine.

Cacao is a sacred heart-opening medicine original from the Amazon, adopted by Mayans and Aztecs as currency due to its great value. Currently used worldwide for chocolate.

At a spiritual level, she is a gentle yet powerful spirit that helps us transmute our shadows with love.

Her spirit activates through song,

therefore in a ceremony, we do a lot of intentional meditation & heart song sharing to connect with our voice and thus our own healing vibrations.

Amongst its countless benefits, thanks to it’s active component theobromine helps us produce serotonin, supporting our mental health as well as our cardiovascular system.

Naturally, it helps us expand our senses and see ourselves in our highest version.

We open our hearts guided by meditations and live medicine music with voice, guitar, shamanic drum, and other instruments.